Leiden University

06 May 2019

Leiden University is 444 years old this year!

A happy birthday signals time for an innovative parking system! IP Parking wins the European tender from Leiden University for a contract duration of up to 20 years. It concerns the Delivery, installation and maintenance of parking management systems, intercom and VMS operated from a Central Control Room on campus via a Graphic Control Station(s) with integrated functionalities. The University has big ambitions and will expand considerably over the coming years. There are currently around 28,000 students and 6,700 employees.


The contract won includes the following parking facilities:


  • Rijnveste: 351 parking places (pp)
  • Ehrenfestweg: 500 pp
  • Motor House Plot: 350 pp
  • Sylvius: 120 pp
  • Niels Bohrweg: 100 pp
  • New Rhijngeest South: 500 pp
  • Malieban: 270 pp
  • Willem Einthoven Building: 80 pp
  • Gorlaeus Building: 170 pp
  • Main Location: 50 pp


We look forward to building a suitable mobility solution together with this great client that can grow and is future-proof.


Request information


