
Parking guidance for more convenience and experience

Our parking garages are becoming larger and larger. Not only does this make parking and finding your car more difficult, it also makes managing a garage a bigger challenge. Good digital information provision can greatly increase customers' parking convenience and experience. IP Parking provides this information with license plate recognition in combination with cameras and red-green detection systems. The system can also be expanded with video surveillance, various apps and security, among other things.


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Section counts

To refer parkers in a garage or lot to available parking spaces and limit the number of motorists looking for a space, IP Parking uses section counts based on license plate recognition.


The self-regulating system is set up to handle changing parking occupancy. The current occupancy of the section is fed into the ParkBase parking management system, and this information in turn controls various parking signs and/or displays.

Parking signs

The parking signs indicate the status of the parking section by displaying the number of available parking spaces, symbols or "available" or "full". As soon as the situation changes, the text is revised so that parkers can be referred to a different section.

PIP (ParkBase Information Panel)

PIP perfectly connects to the web-based platform and is fully integrated into ParkBase. You can use various types of content with ParkBase: show license plates, messages about your services, business hours, advertisements, rates, etc. You can also use it as guiding display.